Reservation, 183.0113
Notice, 183.0103
Operating agreement, 183.0105, 183.0106, 183.0107
Powers, 183.0109
Purpose, 183.0108
Corrections, 183.0209
Delivery, 183.0120
Department duties, 183.0210
Fees, 183.0122
Information inaccuracy liability, 183.0205
Requirements, 183.0206
Signing and filing, 183.0203
Signing and filing, judicial order, 183.0204
Withdrawal, 183.0208
Registered agent and registered office, 183.0115
Change of agent or office, 183.0116
Change of name or address, 183.0118
Resignation of agent, 183.0117
Reimbursement, 183.0408
Required information, 183.01075
Right to information, 183.0410
Service of process, notice, or demand, 183.0119
Supplemental principles of law, 183.0111
Transferable interest:
Charging order, 183.0503
Nature of, 183.0501
Transfer, 183.0502
Uniformity of application and construction, 183.1101
limited partnerships LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS
limited liability partnerships LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIPS
liquefied petroleum gas LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS
Regulation, 101.16
liquor LIQUOR
lis pendens LIS PENDENS
littering LITTERING
Brule river, 30.73 (3)
Citation procedure, 345.11 (1u)
Forfeiture actions, 345.20 (2) (g)
Prohibited, 287.81
livestock LIVESTOCK
living will LIVING WILL
Generally, 154.02 to 154.15
For detailed analysis, see Declarations to Physicians
loans LOANS
For other state loans and loan programs, refer to the heading for the specific agency
lobbying LOBBYING
Auditing, 13.74
Authorizations to represent principals, 13.65
Definitions, 13.62
Enforcement of law, 13.69
Exemptions from law, 13.621
Fees for licensing and filing, 13.75
Floor of chamber restricted, 13.71
Ethics commission duties, 13.685, 19.48
Identification of legislative proposals, rules and topics lobbying for, 13.67
Influencing legislation, 946.17
Insurers, 630.10
Fee, revocation, 13.63
Suspension for failure to file, 13.68 (6)
Penalties, 13.69
Principal's expense statement, 13.68
Prohibited practices, 13.625
Purpose of act, 13.61
Records retention, 13.68 (5)
Registration statements, 13.64
Reports by lobbyists, 13.68 (4)
Restrictions, 13.66
State agencies, legislative activities, 13.695
local cultural arts districts LOCAL CULTURAL ARTS DISTRICTS
local health officials LOCAL HEALTH OFFICIALS
Generally, Ch. 251
local option LOCAL OPTION
lodges LODGES
lodging houses LODGING HOUSES